Sammy runs a private practise as a Holistic Health Coach. Assisting clients back to their optimal wellness through rebalancing the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual body.

Sammy is versed with a plethora of modalities, starting from two simple categories – ‘MOVEMENT‘, or ‘MINDFULNESS‘.

From there, the journey begins.


( counselling )

Sammy works as a mindfulness mentor and speaker.

Her focus is on educating clients and audiences on how to bring more mindful moments into their life.

In turn, regulating their nervous systems’, soothing their bodies; and creating holistic synergy between their mind, body and spirit.

Her teachings add practical ways to compassionately self reflect.

Providing tools which add to your daily life, not onto your daily list!

WHat is MINDFUL mentoring?

These are personal mentoring sessions predominately using mindfulness techniques, somatic therapy tools and purposefully ‘heartfelt’ questions to bring your heart back to awakening, whilst being held in a safe space. 

(There’s also a lot of measurable science stuff too, don’t worry.)

In a society which is ran by intellect, there can often be a complete disassociation from the body, and the wisdom it can offer.”

If you are experiencing a disconnect, numbness, lack of enthusiasm for life, or just a little lost in life. Mindful mentoring is for you.

Mindful mentoring will assist in bringing back awareness and balance, so both the Head AND the heart can be heard.”


Sammy headshot BNW

mindfulness: In-PersoN/ONLINE

**In person available Vancouver, Canada : ONLINE AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE

*** Movement and mindfulness sessions can be used interchangeably

client reviews

Here are just a few testimonials for Sammy, from people who have worked with her either through movement, mindfulness or both.

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