meet Our founder



As a trusted Wellness Speaker and Facilitator, she has had the privilege of collaborating with Fortune 500 companies, guiding their teams to unlock their full potential. With a passion for mindfulness and its transformative impact on individuals and workplaces, she has become the go-to expert for organizations seeking to elevate productivity, foster workplace wellness, nurture creativity, and uplift employee morale.


In the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional development, she embarked on a transformative journey centered around the power of mindful self-awareness. This powerful practice not only saved her during her formative years but also shaped the course of her existence, enabling her to emerge as a passionate advocate for empowering individuals to cultivate wellness, find solace in adversity, and thrive in all spheres of life, including their work and communities.


Driven by an unwavering dedication to excellence, her mission is crystal clear – To connect individuals back to themselves and teams to each other. Her passion lies in helping organizations and their employees chart a course toward growth and compassion. Fostering balance, optimal productivity, and a thriving, connected culture — ultimately decreasing burnout and employee attrition.

What Sets HeR Apart:

Extensive Corporate Experience: With a history of collaboration alongside notable industry leaders, she deeply understands the unique cultural challenges faced by today’s fast-paced and demanding workplaces.

Holistic Approach: Her approach to wellness is versed with a plethora of modalities, focusing on harnessing the power of mindfulness, movement and a deep knowledge of the human nervous system and it’s repercussions in modern life. This perspective creates sustainable, positive change in individuals and organizations alike.

Interactive Workshops and Engaging Talks: Her sessions are dynamic, interactive, and tailored to suit the specific needs of each organization. Participants are actively engaged, making the learning experience both enjoyable and effective. Each session is bookended with meditation and mindfulness exercises, ensuring her teachings are anchored into the attendees’ experiential knowledge.

A word from our founder...

First and foremost, I’m a cat mom to Betty-Boop and Smudge.

They have taught me more than any human I have ever met and I love them more than anything I could have ever imagined. I am smitten, whipped, and not even slightly embarrassed by it.


Smudge - A cute but grumpy cat.
Betty Boop - The cutest cat in the world

BACK TO me...

Now we've gotten that important piece of information out of the way, lets go back in time and meet little Sammy.

Growing up, I was labeled a “troubled child“. 

Leaving home at the tender age of 12, life led me down a path strewn with immense adversity. My childhood and teenage years were filled with neglect, confusion, hostility, and ultimately substance abuse, foster care, and juvinile detention centres.

My world and those who were in it, told me I would never amount to anything. 

I believed them.

….Till I didn’t.

That colourful beginning, was the greatest gift life could have ever given me. Without the weight of societal expectations, I was free to ask myself “If I could do anything right now, what would I do?” It turned out, despite my horrific childhood, and the cruel labels placed on me, even at that young age, I only ever wanted to learn and to love.

I formed an insatiable curiosity around healing, human relationships, our relationship to the planet, and the nature of the planet itself.  I pondered over why some people lied to others and some to themselves. Why most humans seemed constantly stressed, and why there was special few who had a sparkle in their eyes which seemed to whisper to me ‘I have a secret.’

Yearning to discover that secret, I delved into books on body language, quantum physics, biomechanics, Ayurvedic medicine, trauma therapy, spirituality, mindfulness, and anything about the human condition I could get my hands on.

I became an athlete and travelled the world, became an actor and travelled the depths of my soul. I explored the realms of art and expression, and ultimately came to understand the profound impact unspoken words and suppressed emotions have on our bodies. 

Life gave me an education far beyond my wildest imagination. Far beyond the confines of a school-room. My lack of formal education was replaced with an immersive journey, shaping me into a perpetual student of life and a devoted teacher of its invaluable lessons.

Today, I am wholeheartedly dedicated to learning, loving, healing, and helping. Both others, and myself.  I do not fully understand my insatiable thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and perpetual service, or why growth has always been more vital than comfort for me. And I most certainly will never know why I defied the odds of a childhood that destines many into a life of struggle and survival. 

But what I do know is this—that ‘sparkle’ I witnessed in people’s eyes? That captivating secret that beckoned me?

– It was presence. 

– It was peace. 

– It was what I saw when people had found parts of themselves many choose to ignore. 

– It was a gentle, loving, curious, awareness that has left me perpetually in awe. 

I will forever be a humble student of this. And a devout teacher of it. 

I will forever attempt to stay true to my mission statement…

..... " TO Live the life of my dreams, and give back in the process"

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