

Samantha Shakira Clarke is a renowned body-mind therapist and corporate wellness facilitator, specializing in mindfulness and movement. She also moonlights as a public speaker and actress.

Samantha is your key to organizational balance and growth. With a catalog of 24 subjects in mindfulness and well-being, along with a distinguished client list, she has a solid reputation for empowering employees to reduce stress, boost focus, and enhance their overall well-being.

Samantha also specializes in one-on-one mentoring sessions tailored to private clients. Her focus is on enhancing self-awareness, elevating happiness, mitigating stress patterns, and cultivating a profound sense of personal peace.

Her mission is to remind people of how essential it is to fall in love with themselves, their lives, and the world they inhabit. To practice the art of compassion, witness their behaviors, value their inner truth, and, of course, to fill each day with as many belly laughs as possible.

Her life is a testament to this mission.


happy Clients

Samantha Clarke coach
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Unlock Your Potential with Sammy: Sought-After Movement and Mindfulness Coach

Sammy is a highly sought-after movement and mindfulness coach, offering transformative sessions to both individual and corporate clients alike.

Her sessions cater to a wide range of needs, from personal training, somatic therapy, mindful leadership, corporate wellness and everything in between!

Sammy’s ultimate goal is to guide clients towards their healthiest patterns and behaviours by addressing imbalances in their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Whether you’re an athlete seeking peak performance, a team wanting enhanced productivity, or an individual yearning for more joy, you’re in exceptionally skilled (and supportive) hands.


**Available modalities:
Workplace wellness seminars, retreats, 
Somatic Therapy. Personal Training. Yoga. Subconscious reprogramming. IFS, Martial Arts . Mindfulness. Meditation. Breathwork. Rehabilitative movement. Pilates, HAKOMI. Intuitive guidance. Talk therapy/Counselling. Corporate seminars,  Virtual Workshops and many more.


Unleash Impactful Messages: TV Presenter turned Mindful Corporate Wellness Facilitator

Sammy, a professionally trained TV Presenter turned public-speaker, has dedicated her life to captivating audiences worldwide. Now, she focuses on cultivating meaningful messages delivered with heart, sincerity, and profound impact.

As a corporate wellness facilitator, Sammy forges impactful collaborations with renowned companies including Spotify, Apple, Fitbit, and more, offering a diverse catalog of seminars tailored to benefit employees and organizations around the world.

With her own lived-experience, Sammy is uniquely qualified to lead and facilitate sessions for at-risk youth and disadvantaged children. She is highly sought after as a mentor and speaker for child and youth advocacy groups.

Samantha Presenting at FITBIT
Samantha Clarke competing on Ninja Warrior
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THE Athlete

A Life Committed to Athletic Excellence

As a highly trained Yoga Teacher, Boxing Coach, Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer, Calisthenics Athlete, and Martial Artist, Sammy’s skill set is nothing short of extraordinary. Her diverse background in these disciplines has honed her abilities to cater to a wide range of clients, making her the go-to professional for all things movement.

You may recognize Sammy as a fearless competitor from the inaugural season of Australian Ninja Warrior, where she showcased her exceptional athleticism and determination or from one of her many viral boxing and fitness videos. 

Despite her achievements in high-intensity sports, Sammy remains a devoted Yogi at heart. Her unwavering commitment to the practice of Yoga not only grounds her but also allows her to bring a unique and holistic approach to her clients’ journeys, both in the private and corporate realm.

“There is an ineffable anguish that permeates all artists, an unending dissatisfaction, and desire to create more.”  – Samantha Shakira Clarke

Step into the world of Samantha, a multi-talented star who has graced numerous popular TV shows and movies. With a  passion for drama and a natural flair for comedy, Samantha’s versatility is a true delight for directors and producers alike.

From gripping emotional scenes to laugh-out-loud moments, Samantha effortlessly captures the essence of each character she portrays, earning her widespread acclaim and a dedicated fan base

To view some of other works you can click here.

samantha clarke movie still
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